Bioethics in crisis or the crisis of bioethics? : An Anthropology of Pandemic in the Medicalized Society


Antonio Sandu
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania


We will discuss (…) the need for ethics in times of crisis. Many people consider ethics and bioethics and the call for principles to be bureaucratic obstacles to obtaining a rapid response from the population, for example, to achieve vaccines in record time, to immunize the population, to establish unpopular but necessary measures, such as closing borders and non-compliance with fundamental principles of the European Union, establishing public policies aimed at herd immunity or, conversely, closing most activities considered essential in the economy, to ensure social distancing and self-isolation of the population. These measures are understood as derogations from ethics or bioethics when targeting medical research on human subjects performed faster than required by standard procedure, or the implementation of innovative therapeutic practices that have not previously been studied by clinical trials to certify that there are no known side effects. (The author)


Author Biography

Antonio Sandu, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania

Full professor at the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences of the “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, doctoral coordinator at the Doctoral School of Sociology of the University of Oradea, coordinating researcher at LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences. His main areas of interest include ethics, bioethics, social work and social philosophy. The original contributions of the scientific activities of Prof. PhD. Antonio Sandu starts from the social construction of reality and social constructionism, seen from a semiological perspective. The author analyzes the social construction of reality, developing his own version of social constructionism, which operates at the intersection between the constructionist paradigm and the theory of communicative action. He is the author of the book: Social Construction of Reality as Communicative Action, published by Cambridge Scholar Publishing (2016), as well as “Social Welfare Practices: Research Techniques and Intervention Models: From Problem Solving to Appreciative Inquiry”, “Appreciative Ethics: A constructionist version of ethics” and “Social-constructionist epistemology: A transmodern overview”, all three published by Lap Lambert between 2012 and 2013. He also wrote more than 20 volumes in Romanian and English in the fields of philosophy , sociology, legal sociology, ethics, bioethics.


August 26, 2021

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