Romanian edition. Original title: METAFIZICA CUANTICA
LUMEN – Copyright © 2008 – CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Book Series
FORMAT: Paperback PAGES: 128 LANGUAGE: Romanian
ISBN: 978-973-166-035-6
BUY ON: Amazon.es, Mesageria.md
Contemporary philosophy, after science has given way to indeterminacy and the possible in knowledge, should gnoseologically recover the mystery. We understand the mystery not only as a limitation of knowledge in the sense of a transcendent censorship, but also as a creative openness to infinity. Metaphysics and the scientific spirit are two dimensions of knowledge that, together with the religious, the mystical and the artistic, should pave the way through a creative superposition to unique holistic knowledge. This holistic-humanistic perspective could ground science in the 21st century. Quantum metaphysics can take over certain concepts, which it can develop and integrate in its own transdisciplinary vision, the concept of transcendent, which is necessarily associated with that of a knowing, transepistemic subject. Rethinking the real in terms of the possibility of existence and a probability of being, opens in the space of culture the game of freedom of variants. If ontologically Schrodinger’s cat can be with a certain degree of probability alive, dead, alive, dead, immortal at the same time the space of culture opens in the face of otherness. (The author)
Topics of interest:
- philosophy
- metaphysics
- scientific creationism
- cultural models