Category: LUMEN NEWS
Journal for Ethics in Social Studies (JESS) is partner in publication for the World LUMEN Congress 2021.
Proud to be a WLC2021 partner in publication! Journal for Ethics in Social Studies (JESS) is partner in publication for the World LUMEN Congress 2021. For this edition, we bring to you a special offer: free publication for the articles resulting from the WLC2021 submitted to JESS. Covered in |…
Journal for Social Media Inquiry (JSMI) is partner in publication for the World LUMEN Congress 2021
Proud to be a WLC2021 publication partner! Journal for Social Media Inquiry (JSMI) is partner in publication for the World LUMEN Congress 2021. For this edition, we bring to you a special offer: free publication for the articles resulting from the WLC2021 submitted to JSMI. Covered in | CrossRef; RePEc;…
Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology (MJESP) is partner in publication for the World LUMEN Congress 2021
Proud to be a WLC2021 publication partner! Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology (MJESP) is partner in publication for the World LUMEN Congress 2021. For this edition, we bring to you a special offer: free publication for the articles resulting from the WLC2021 submitted to MJESP. Covered in |…
Journal of Mediation & Social Welfare (JMSW) is partner in publication for the World LUMEN Congress 2021.
Proud to be a WLC2021 publication partner! Journal of Mediation & Social Welfare (JMSW) is partner in publication for the World LUMEN Congress 2021. For this edition, we bring to you a special offer: free publication for the articles resulting from the WLC2021 submitted to JMSW. Covered in | CrossRef;…
Eastern-European Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics Journal (EEJMHB) is partner in publication for the World LUMEN Congress 2021.
Proud to be a WLC2021 publication partner! Eastern-European Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics (EEJMHB) is partner in publication for the World LUMEN Congress 2021. For this edition, we bring to you a special offer: free publication for the articles resulting from the WLC2021 submitted to EEJMHB. Covered in |…
Last Call for Early Registration Deadline March 1st! World LUMEN Congress 2021 | 26-30 May, Romania
Call for Participation | World LUMEN Congress 2021. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty 20th LUMEN Anniversary edition! Iasi, Romania | May 26-30th 2021 | online congress Dear Friends, We are pleased to invite you to participate in the World LUMEN Congress 2021. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty. 20th LUMEN Anniversary Edition! 26-30 May…
First Call for Early Registration for the World LUMEN Congress 2021 | May 26- 30, 2021 | 20th LUMEN anniversary edition
First Call for Early Registration for the World LUMEN Congress 2021 | May 26- 30, 2021 | 20th LUMEN anniversary edition first call for participation world lumen congress 2021 logos universality mentality education novelty 20th lumen anniversary edition! iasi, romania may 26-30th 2021online congress register here for the world lumen congress 2021
LUMEN – RREM Special Issue | Educational Challenges in Pandemic Times.
LUMEN – RREM Special Issue | Educational Challenges in Pandemic Times. we are looking for successful experiences of education professionals from all over the world, in different educational contexts, in these unusual crisis conditions. lumen joins the collective effort to face the challenges of a pandemic education.
What to look forward from LUMEN, as we prepare for our 20th anniversary
What to look forward from LUMEN, as we prepare for our 20th anniversary lumen a scientific and cultural community that grows more and more beautiful every year, through the interhuman relationships that it cultivates and develops, through the extraordinary actions carried out each time with passion and the confiden
Call for papers, reviewers & guest editors for 2020 Issues of Postmodern Openings Journal
Call for papers, reviewers & guest editors for 2020 Issues of Postmodern Openings Journal call for papers, reviewers amp guest editors for 2020 issues of postmodern openings journal a web of scienceclarivate analytics indexed journal submit a paper for evaluation the editorial team of po journal postmodern openings journal a