Postmodern Openings – Call for papers – special issue 2020 – Towards a post-pandemic postmodern society

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Postmodern Openings Journal (an international open access journal, with a tradition of 10 years of research into the postmodern society, indexed in Web of Science and other important international databases) launches a Call for papers for a special issue on the topic “Towards a post-pandemic postmodern society – Is the pandemic a deconstruction of the postmodern society?”.

* The issue is dedicated to the memory of Marguerite Derrida (born July 7, 1932 – died March 21, 2020), a victim of the Corona Virus Pandemic and the wife of renowned philosopher Jacques Derrida (born July 15, 1930 – died October 09, 2004), the initiator and founder of the postmodern deconstruction method.

We invite researchers all over the world in the fields of social sciences, philosophy, humanities, medical humanities & bioethics and other branches and academic fields, to propose theoretical and empirical works addressing the issue of the post-pandemic society.

The postmodern society is usually characterized by long-distance real-time communication, virtualization of social space, instant connectivity and globalization. All these affect the way we perceive information, relationships, benefits of science and advances in technology, and the events that affect us all or just some of us, have a large impact on the way we communicate, on the decisions we make and the way we come to make them, our free will, free choice, the way we perceive the extent of our rights, freedoms and liberties.

All these considered, we launch a call for papers addressing the following issues:

  • will the post-pandemic society be a post-liberal or a post-conservatory society?
  • how will the globalized society survive the tendencies to return to isolation, self-sufficient communities and nationalism/regionalism?
  • virtual communication, virtualization of social space and the dynamics of social relations – how will physical isolation, social isolation and social distancing due to prolonged quarantine measures transform our way of life and habits?
  • does it help for citizen to live in a knowledge-based society in pandemic times or, actually, in today’s times of crisis, we are heading to a new type of obscurantism?
  • the impact of philosophy in the post-pandemic society – are new philosophical currents likely to develop and do we need a new type of philosophy?
  • declaring a state of emergency versus totalitarian tendencies during pandemic periods and the risk for totalitarian societies to ascend in a post-pandemic world;
  • human rights, freedoms and liberties – the clash between the liberal, ultra-connected and free-spirited postmodern society and the re-scaling of the freedom of movement and other social, political, cultural, economic and scientific freedoms during and following pandemic times;
  • fake news in moments of crisis;
  • general protection of personal data in pandemic and post-pandemic societies;
  • the role and status of universities and research centers – how and why (if so) do they change after a pandemic?
  • scientific and medical cooperation versus the race to obtain huge financial compensations from developing the first treatment/vaccine;
  • mandatory vaccination against a pandemic-like disease – how does living through a real life pandemic affect the ongoing controversy about vaccination?
  • suspending informed consent and personal autonomy in medical treatments during a pandemic – how far should we go?
  • the future of the European Union in a post-pandemic Europe, between euro-skepticism and euro-optimism?
  • arts and literature during a pandemic and afterwards: moving books, theaters and shows in a virtual environment – is all art to become show-business or do we still need direct human contact for complete and genuine artistic exchange?

Short communications are expected in English language, with a length between 1500 and 2500 (3-5 pages) authored by a maximum of 2 authors, until the 15th of April 2020. Papers submitted by this date will be peer reviewed and scheduled for publication in a special 2020 issue of the journal.

Papers can be submitted by accessing the following link: Access the link, create your account and upload your paper following the steps indicated at the link above.

The open access publication fee will be of 150 euros/paper – reduced from 250 euros.

We are looking forward to receiving your papers and your thoughts on how will our life be in this new post-pandemic world that we are about to experience!


Author: Editura LUMEN

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