Romanian edition. Original title: PRIMELE BASME ALE SAMIREI
LUMEN – Copyright © 2019 – POETRY & FICTION Book Series
FORMAT: Paperback PAGES: 106 LANGUAGE: Romanian
ISBN: 978-973-166-519-1
From her window, as she sat on a high chair, the little girl looked at the sky that looked like a ragged turquoise sheet, stained from place to place with yogurt. Samira saw on one side of the garden an old straw shed. At its peak, a pair of storks had arrived this year in the nest of thin, black stems. There were a couple of old stables, old house guests from the country. Each year they came, had chicks, and in autumn, when the first cold wind blew, they left for the warm countries. When the orchards were blooming, they would return to the old nest and chop from the red beaks in the morning and evening.
“When they chop from their beaks, they pray …” Samira thought. (Fragment from the volume)