Studies and Current Trends in Science of Education
Proceedings of the 14th Edition of the International Conference on Sciences of Education. Learning for Life – ICSED 2016, 12-13 May 2016, Suceava (Romania) & Chernivtsi (Ukraine)
Editors: Otilia CLIPA & Constantin-Florin DOMUNCO
ISBN: 978-973-166-435-4; e-ISBN: 978-973-166-475-0
Published by Editura LUMEN; Indexed in CEEOL, RePEc
Aspects Regarding Teaching Staff’s Motivation and Satisfaction – From Theory to Practice | Ramona – Cristina BĂLĂNESCU
Affective Consequences of Emotion Regulation | Liliana BUJOR
Universality and Variability in Infant Attachment | Marius MARICI
The Need of Educational Counselling in the Early Childhood Education to Optimize the School Adaptation Process | Gianina-Ana MASSARI, Alina-Elena VASILESCU
Motivation in Students’ Professional Options | Mihaela Păişi LĂZĂRESCU
The Social Representation of Psychologist among High-school and University Students | Bogdan POPOVENIUC
Metacognitive and Affective Strategies Structures for Higher Education | Elena RĂILEAN
Emotional and Social Learning – Optimization and Training Strategies | Maria Magdalena STAN
Equity and Inclusion inside the School Environment. Perceptions of Students and Teachers from the County of Suceava | Elena BUJOREAN
Aesthetic Education – Reassessment of the Aims and Principles of Achievement | Constantin CUCOŞ
Highlights for the Construction of a Didactic Discourse Focused on the Learning Subject in “Kung Fu Panda” Animation | Constantin Florin DOMUNCO
Building and Developing a Teachers’ Community Based on the PROFILES Science Education Network | Gabriel GORGHIU, Laura Monica GORGHIU
(Un)learnt Educational Reforms Lessons – the Republic of Moldova Compulsory Education Hidden Costs | Andrei PÂRVAN
The Role of Universities in Development and Consolidation of the Cultural Dimension in a Europe of Knowledge | Nadia Laura SERDENCIUC
Axiological Dimension of Exercising Professional Roles by the Teaching Staff According to the Pedagogue George Văideanu | Liliana STAN
Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development on Actual Educational ICT Issues, in the Frame of the ProWeb Project | Gabriela Alina ANGHEL, Ana Maria Aurelia PETRESCU, Gabriel GORGHIU
Educational Impact upon Social Sustainable Development | Daniela NEAMŢU, Daniela BURAC
A Few Landmarks regarding the Promotion of Cultural Diversity in Higher Education in the Context of a Sustainable Regional Development | Nadia Laura SERDENCIUC
The Informative-Formative Value of the Strategies based on the Practical Action – Modeling Teaching | Sofia Loredana TUDOR
Physical Activity during School – Strategy for Preventing Obesity | Oana NECHITA (ATOMEI)
Quality of Training and its Consequences in the Education System | Roxana ENACHE, Alina CRIŞAN
The Evaluation – an Essential Component of the Teaching Approach in the Romanian Language and Literature Classes | Cristina Loredana BLOJU
Study Regarding the Improvement of the Teaching-Learning Process in Primary Schools Through Innovation in Educational Design | Alina CRIŞAN, Roxana ENACHE
Canonical Authors Studied in High School – Patriarchal and Anchronistic Gender Education? | Nicoleta FOLTEA
Perspectives of Initial Training and Continuing Development of Teachers in Primary Education- a Comparative Analysis | Ancuţa FRANŢ
Flipped Classroom – Modernization Strategy of Teaching-Learning Process in Higher Education | Mihai STANCIU
Educational Resources – Functional Elements of the Educational Environment at Early Age | Sofia Loredana TUDOR, Maria Magdalena STAN
New Orientations in the Evaluation of Psychical Development and Academic Achievements at Early Ages | Maria Magdalena STAN