Sartre. A philosopher of human freedom – Ramona BUJOR

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Romanian version. Original title: SARTRE. UN FILOSOF AL LIBERTATII UMANE

Ramona BUJOR

LUMEN – Copyright © 2008 – CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Book Series

FORMAT: Paperback         PAGES: 392          LANGUAGE: Romanian

ISBN: 978-973-166-039-4

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At a time of the decline of critical judgment, the Iasi academic Ramona Elena Bujor proposed an in-depth analysis of Jean-Paul Sartre’s work, following the development of the concepts of freedom and creation, on all levels of his philosophy: phenomenology, ontology-existential, anthropology and morality. Thus, the construction of Critique de la Raison Dialectique, which aims to achieve an existential Anthropology and which has been equated (by unsuspecting critics) with a “Marxist theory of praxis”, is much more than a philosophy based on the study of social relations. power, between relations of production (the economic basis of society) and superstructure (dominant ideas and corresponding instructions: State, Law, Church, etc.), is therefore a philosophy about the freedom of the individual (for himself) in the historical social dynamics of groups, Rarity , Violence. A comparative analysis between the Hegelian dialectic, Marx’s dialectic and the existential dialectic, proposed by Jean-Paul Sartre, allowed the author to highlight in detail, the essential differences between the three methods. (Prof. PhD Tudor GHIDEANU)

Topics of interest:

  • philosophy
  • Jean Paul Sartre
  • phenomenology

Author: Editura LUMEN

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