Publish your work with LUMEN C1 Bioethics in crisis SANDU 2020 A5 small
Posted in Applied ethics CULTURAL DIMENSIONS BOOK SERIES Philosophy Sociology Uncategorized

Bioethics in crisis or the crisis of bioethics? A philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society – Antonio SANDU

Bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? A philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society – Antonio SANDU bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? a philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society romanian edition. original title bioetica in criza sau criza bioeticii? o filosofie a pandemiei in societatea medicalizata antonio sandu lumen

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Publish your work with LUMEN Sandu Bioetica WP
Posted in Applied ethics BOOKS IN ROMANIAN Philosophy Sociology Uncategorized

Bioethics in crisis or the crisis of bioethics? A philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society – Antonio SANDU

Bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? A philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society – Antonio SANDU bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? a philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society romanian edition. original title bioetica in criza sau criza bioeticii? o filosofie a pandemiei in societatea medicalizata antonio sandu lumen

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Publish your work with LUMEN Untitled 14
Posted in BOOKS IN ROMANIAN Criminal offenses General criminal law Human rights and biolaw Legal sociology

Medically Assisted Human Reproduction. Ethics of Incrimination versus Bioethics. A Comparative Law Study- Alexandra HUIDU

Medically Assisted Human Reproduction. Ethics of Incrimination versus Bioethics. A Comparative Law Study- Alexandra HUIDU medically assisted human reproduction. ethics of incrimination versus bioethics. a comparative law study romanian edition. original title reproducerea uman? medical asistat?. etica incrimin?rii versus etica biologic?. studiu de drept comparat f

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