Tag: economic
The specificity of dispute settlement in economic organizations – Dan-Alexandru GUNA
The specificity of dispute settlement in economic organizations – Dan-Alexandru GUNA the specificity of dispute settlement in economic organizations romanian edition. original title specificitatea reglementarii diferendelor in cadrul organizatiilor economice dan-alexandru guna lumen copyright © 2020 law book series forma
Vol. 13 | 16TH Economic international conference NCOE 4.0 2020 – Carmen NASTASE (editor)
16TH Economic international conference NCOE 4.0 2020 – Carmen NASTASE (editor) 16th economic international conference ncoe 4.0 2020 carmen nastase editor lumen copyright © 2020 conference proceedings book series format paperback language english issn print 2601 – 2510 issn on-line 2601 – 2529
TWO MORE LUMEN JOURNALS INDEXED IN ERICH PLUS! THAT MAKES 11! lumen scientific publishing houseannounces the indexing in the prestigious erich plus database of the journals logos, universality, mentality, education, novelty economics amp administrative sciences and journal for ethics in social studies. thi
Call for papers, reviewers & guest editors for 2020 Issues of Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Economics & Administrative Sciences Journal
Call for papers, reviewers & guest editors for 2020 Issues of Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Economics & Administrative Sciences Journal we are looking for experiences of professionals from public administration fields who are facing the new pandemic times daily in their professions. what challenges are public administration and economic agents facing in their practice in the new econ
Translating Metaphors from English into Romanian in Economic Texts – Luciana Sabina Mihaela TCACIUC
Translating Metaphors from English into Romanian in Economic Texts – Luciana Sabina Mihaela TCACIUC translating metaphors from english into romanian in economic texts english edition luciana sabina mihaela tcaciuc first edition lumen copyright © 2015 – cultural dimensions book series format paperback pages 403 lang
Evolution of the European Construction from the Coal and Steel Economic Community to the Lisbon Treaty – Oana Elena GĂLĂŢEANU
Evolution of the European Construction from the Coal and Steel Economic Community to the Lisbon Treaty – Oana Elena GĂLĂŢEANU evolution of the european construction from the coal and steel economic community to the lisbon treaty romanian edition. original title evolu?ia construc?iei europene de la comunitatea economic? a c?rbunelui ?i o?elului la tratatul de la lisabona
The Influences of the Psycho-Social-Economic Factors on the Management and the Entrepreneurial Culture – Alina STANCOVICI
The Influences of the Psycho-Social-Economic Factors on the Management and the Entrepreneurial Culture – Alina STANCOVICI the influences of the psycho-social-economic factors on the management and the entrepreneurial culture romanian edition. original title influentele factorilor psiho-socio-economici asupra managementului si culturii antreprenoriale alina stancovici
Migration and Development. Social-Economic Aspects and Trends – Daniela Petronela FERARU
Migration And Development. Social-Economic Aspects And Trends – Daniela Petronela FERARU migration and development. social-economic aspects and trends romanian edition. original title migratie si dezvoltare. aspecte socioeconomice si tendinte daniela petronela feraru lumen copyright © 2011 social development book series form
Geopolitical and geoeconomic aspects of the formation and disintegration of the English colonial system – Vadim CUJBA
Geopolitical and geoeconomic aspects of the formation and disintegration of the English colonial system – Vadim CUJBA geopolitical and geoeconomic aspects of the formation and disintegration of the english colonial system romanian edition. original title aspecte geopolitice si geoeconomice ale formarii si destramarii sistemului colonial englez vadim cujba lume