
  • Aurora CIUCA Professor PhD, Faculty of Law and Public Administration, Stefan cel Mare, University from Suceava, Romania




informed consent, doctor-patient relationship, international bioethics, ECHR case-law regarding informed consent.


A court decision that admitted the patient’s right to decide with regard to his body took the American medical world by surprise in 1914. After decades of silence, the decision of a judge who asked the doctor to share the decision with the patient marked the beginning of a change in the communication pattern between them. Today, the culture of human rights, the wide access to medical information, the risks involved by the new technologies impose a permanent re-adjustment of the doctor-patient relationships and of the relationship between medicine and law. The analysis of the jurisprudence of international courts attempted in this paper may provide a few hints in this direction.


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How to Cite

CIUCA, A. (2017). JURISPRUDENTIAL LANDMARKS REGARDING THE INFORMED CONSENT. European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 4(1), 25-33. https://doi.org/10.18662/eljpa/03



International Law. European Law. Comparative Law.

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