
  • Diana GRUMEZA PhD. in Law, State University of Republic of Moldova, Law Faculty


inhuman, cruel treatments, minors, torture, human rights


The actuality of the topic derives from the existence of these dangerous phenomena at the level of society from ancient times up to the present, an aspect that determines us to speak, unfortunately, about the perenniality of the topic approached. The key to defending human rights is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed by the quasi-unanimity of the world's states. In addition, we have the Convention against Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment adopted by the United Nations, the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the Convention establishing the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), to which the Republic of Moldova is a party and has assumed a series of commitments. At European level, the abolition of the death penalty is a prerequisite for EU membership. In the same context, we add, torture, inhuman or degrading treatment, fall within the same range of aggressions directed against fundamental human rights. Both at constitutional level and in the organic laws of the Republic of Moldova or in the special legislation, as the case may be, there are stipulated rights and obligations to combat the torture practices, as well as inhuman or degrading treatments. Comparing the legislation of the Republic of Moldova with the legislation of Romania, as well as with the international legislation regarding the criminalization of torture and inhuman or degrading punishment, we notice sensible approaches.

Author Biography

Diana GRUMEZA, PhD. in Law, State University of Republic of Moldova, Law Faculty

PhD. in Law, State University of Republic of Moldova, Law Faculty


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Osipov Vladimir, Cojocaru Radion, Notiunea de tortura, tratament inuman si degradant, pedeapsa inumana sau degradanta in jurisprudenta C.E.D.O. (“The notion of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment, inhuman or degrading punishment in ECHR jurisprudence") in Revista Nationala de Drept no.6- 7/2011, p. 43, available at 0tortura%20161_163.pdf (accesata la 04.12.2017).

Special Report of the European Court of Auditors ORTURE_RO.pdf (accessed on 07.12.2017).

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, available at versala_a_Drepturilor_Omului.pdf (accessed on 04.12.2017).

Convention Against Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, available at 20TORTURII%20SI%20ALTOR%20PEDEPSE%20ORI%20TRAT AMENTE%20CU%20CRUZIME,%20INUMANE%20SAU%20DE GRADANTE.pdf (accessed on 04.12.2017).

EC Regulation no. 1236/2005 on trade in certain goods susceptible to be used in order to impose capital punishment, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, available at (accessed on 05.12.2017).

Guidelines on torture and other cruel treatments, available at (accessed on 05.12.2017).




How to Cite

GRUMEZA, D. (2018). INHUMAN TREATMENTS APPLIED TO MINORS. CONCEPTUAL DELIMITATION. Jurnalul De Studii Juridice, 12(3-4), 45-56. Retrieved from



International Law. European Law. Comparative Law

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