Energy Drinks Consumption by Students at Universities in Trnava


  • Jaroslav STANCIAK Comenius University Bratislava, Department of Social Work, Bratislava, Slovak republic
  • Jana Boronova Trnava University in Trnava, Department of Health Care, Faculty of Health care and Social work, Slovak Republic
  • Lubica Vareckova University of Cyril and Methodius Trnava, Institute of Management, Slovak Republic



energy drinks, sweetened beverage, consumption, risks, health impact


The paper deals with the increased consumption of energy drinks as well as sugar-sweetened beverages among young adults. The work mentions the negative impact of energy drinks and sugar sweetened beverages on cardiovascular and neurological system, the possible causes of metabolic problems as well as the dental risks connected with their consumption. The pilot study was realized on the sample of young adults, 18-26 years of age students of universities seated in Trnava, Slovakia. The aim of the study was to analyse the knowledge on energy drinks among young people and their combinations with other substances, and find more about the frequency of energy drinks consumption based on gender and age. The collected information was bound with two groups of students, the first newcomers during the exam session, as they have to cope with a new type of experience, different way of assessment and who are more often under the stronger pressure than before. The second group were the students in their last year of study when completing theses and finishing their degree at university. The information was collected through the anonymous questionnaires, properly collected in the compliance with the ethical principles of Helsinky Declaration and SPSS statistical program was used for proper data processing.

Author Biographies

Jana Boronova, Trnava University in Trnava, Department of Health Care, Faculty of Health care and Social work, Slovak Republic

Department of Health Care, Faculty of Health care and Social work, assistant professor

Lubica Vareckova, University of Cyril and Methodius Trnava, Institute of Management, Slovak Republic

Assiatant Faculty of social sciences


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How to Cite

STANCIAK, J., Boronova, J., & Vareckova, L. (2020). Energy Drinks Consumption by Students at Universities in Trnava. Postmodern Openings, 11(2 Supl 1), 16-25.

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