Subjectivity of Western Personality: Limits of Rationality




subjectivity, solitude, western rationality, personality, self.


If we don’t go deep into scientific definitions and interpretations, then such words as “Self”, “Subjectivity”, “Internal World” appear to be the same. At least, they all stand for something inside the human, inside the intimate spiritual world that is hidden from curious eyes.

That all would be fine and even congruent with us, only that internal world was not so fragile. What terrible tragedies do we experience when confronted in minor internal conflicts with others arising from “misunderstanding”, “non-inclusion”, not to mention life tragedies, such as, “solitude” and “self-destruction”.

So, western personas, you and I, face an insolvable contradiction: we want to create, as we are subjects, but postmodernists forbid us. Since it is forbidden to change the external world, there is only one choice: to refute the external world and turn your gaze into yourself.

If we freed our mind from pragmatic chains, we would clearly see that sociological problem of self-identification is a more fundamental problem; it is a problem of self-justification of “my I”, i.e. a problem of my personal anthropodicity.

Oriental metaphysics is impenetrable to the West. The entire “esoteric” line of European philosophy from Plato to Heidegger can be called the “technique of translating” oriental metaphysics into the language of European science. Our western “Universal Spirit” is the same as that of the Indians, i.e. one for all. Therefore, it is up to the East to demonstrate it, and the West - to describe it, to each their own.

Author Biography

Olga Poroshenko, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

PHD in social philosophy, associate professor, Department of History and Philosophy, Head for International Relations


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How to Cite

Poroshenko, O. (2020). Subjectivity of Western Personality: Limits of Rationality. Postmodern Openings, 11(3), 318-331.



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