Training of Future Geography Teachers to Local Lore and Tourist Work on the Basis of Competence Approach


  • Vitalii Honcharuk Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
  • Inna Rozhi Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
  • Olena Dutchak Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Myhailo Poplavskyi Kyiv National university of Culture and Arts
  • Yuliia Rybinska Kyiv National university of Culture and Arts
  • Nataliia Horbatiuk Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University



geographical education, pedagogical technologies, stimulation of positive motivation, optimization of work of student circles, activization of experience, educational and pedagogical practices


Against the background of the renewal of approaches to the development of geography education, the formation of national-patriotic consciousness among students, the introduction of pedagogical technologies into the educational process in order to study the characteristics of their native land, the question arises of the need to modernize the training of future geography teachers in local lore and tourism work. The purpose - to theoretically substantiate and experimentally check pedagogical conditions of preparation of future teachers of geography for local lore and tourist work on the basis of the competence approach. 236 students majoring in "Geography and Biology" with a bachelor's degree formed a control group and 232 - an experimental group. The pedagogical conditions of training of future teachers of geography for local lore and tourist work on the basis of the competence approach are defined and realized: stimulating positive motivation to study local lore material in the disciplines of the cycle of general (fundamental) and professional (scientific-subject) training and disciplines of additional specialization "Local lore and tourism work"; acquisition of knowledge, skills (competencies) for the implementation of local lore and tourism work through the optimization of student groups; intensification of the experience of local lore and tourism work during educational and pedagogical practices. The effectiveness of pedagogical conditions is proved by the results of the formative experiment: the number of students with a high level of local lore competence in the experimental group increased, while in the control group the same indicator did not increase significantly. The results of the study indicate a dynamic positive change in the formation of local lore competence of experimental groups under the influence of the proposed innovations.


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How to Cite

Honcharuk, V., Rozhi, I., Dutchak, O., Poplavskyi, M., Rybinska, Y., & Horbatiuk, N. (2021). Training of Future Geography Teachers to Local Lore and Tourist Work on the Basis of Competence Approach. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(3), 429-447.

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