Characterological Features of Innovative Education


  • Yevheniia Artomova National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Iryna Blynova National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Nadiia Breslavets National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Oksana Vasylenko National Pedagogical Dragomanov University



neuropsychological, neuropedagogical influence, mental resources, cognitive science, map of the world, modernization of education, the cultural essence of work, methods, continuous education, creativity


The topic of the article is relevant as the present-day developments of social and economic changes in our society pose new challenges for pedagogical science in terms of innovative changes based on the international scientific and practical experience of many countries of the world - the USA and also countries of Western and Eastern Europe, representing a new stage of education development complying with the globalization epos, formation of socially oriented economy which requires implementation of radical reforms in education. The purpose of the article is to characterize and theoretically substantiate the features of innovative approaches to creation of contemporary education; to discover pedagogical technologies in the process of achieving the innovative goals of education. The article defines the content of theoretical ideas about education in the knowledge society in the context of appearance of its social reality. The research methodology is built in terms of cultural and historical epistemology, which is based on the analysis of socio-economic attitudes to knowledge and cognition using a comparative review of theoretical developments with the real situation. Changes in politics and social priorities introduced a fundamentally new paradigm of higher education in Ukraine, based on the ideas of the growth of spiritual and intellectual potential of each young person, comprehensive development of one’s personality by introducing a humanistic type of thinking, forming a new mentality, awareness of the multicultural perspectives of the human society development, as well as understanding, recognition and ensuring the culture common to all mankind. The new paradigm of education and upbringing is aimed at transferring from the upbringing of a citizen of a particular country to the upbringing of a citizen of the world, i. e. a person with a sense of responsibility whose education and morality correspond to the complexity of tasks to be solved. This approach means gradual replacement of the causal, deterministic principle of cognition of reality within each discipline with modern methodological approaches.


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How to Cite

Artomova, Y., Blynova, I., Breslavets, N., & Vasylenko, O. (2022). Characterological Features of Innovative Education. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(1Sup1), 386-403.

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