Determining Causes of Deviant Behavior in Students


  • Valeria Pascaru-Goncear Lecturer PhD, State University of Moldova



deviant behavior, dysfunctional attitudes, unconditional self-acceptance, adaptation, students, needs


The deviant behavior of students is a cause of concern for our society. Media sources signal daily the omnipresence of this social problem that must be researched from several perspectives. The way the student behaves is a reflection of his inner self. The inner balance determines the outer balance in relationships with others, in approaching problems, in the way of life. It is very important to understand the reasons, the causes that condition deviant behavior. Most often it is formed during the formation of the personality, as a result of a defective education, educational deficiencies, lack of trust and respect between the educator and the educated. That is why in order to understand the causes that determine deviant behavior in students, it is necessary to analyze the internal structure of the person, to take into account his needs, his life experience, the attitude he has about himself and others, his beliefs. Students who do not accept themselves unconditionally often have a distorted view of themselves, thus ending up living an illusion and exhibiting deviant behavior. Success in overcoming this problem is conditioned by the way the individual thinks about himself and the world around him, his attitudes towards life in general, his self-image and unconditional self-acceptance of his own person because this is a first step towards change.


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How to Cite

Pascaru-Goncear , V. (2023). Determining Causes of Deviant Behavior in Students. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 15(3), 98-106.



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