Sports Games in the Context of Developing Children’s Coordination Ability as a Component of Physical Development


  • Asya Ruban Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Human Health, Izmail State University of Humanities, Izmail, Ukraine,
  • Anastasiia Radovenchyk Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Human Health, Izmail State University of Humanities, Izmail, Ukraine,
  • Natalia Semal Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine,
  • Vlada Bilohur Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Departments of Physical Education Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine,
  • Mykola Chkhailo Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Sports, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine,
  • Viktor Dzhym PhD (in Physical Education and Sports), Associate Professor of the Department of Athletics and Strength Sports, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,



Ability, game, sports games, physical development, coordination ability, physical exercises, kinesiology


The article explores how sports games and physical exercises influence the development of children’s coordination an essential aspect of their physical development. Its relevance is underscored by the current critical state of children’s health and the rising number of children with special needs. Today’s youth must become healthy individuals, integrating intellectual, moral, vocational and physical education. The article aims to define such concepts as “ability”, “coordination” and “coordination ability”, analyze existing literature on how physical exercises affect children’s coordination and examine the role of kinesiological exercises in enhancing children’s motor skills. Research methods include theoretical and systematic analysis of relevant scientific literature. As is known, physical activity plays a crucial role in the effective development of children’s coordination ability. This article analyzes those studies that underscore the significance of engaging in activities such as basketball, volleyball, rowing and choreography to improve it. It also examines the advantages of kinesiological exercises. A key insight of this research is that high coordination levels not only foster physical development but also enhance social and cognitive growth, thereby boosting children’s learning capabilities and their interactions with peers. Thus, it is vital to incorporate physical exercises into children’s routines, considering their age and individual needs.


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How to Cite

Ruban, A. ., Radovenchyk, A. ., Semal, N. ., Bilohur, V. ., Chkhailo, M. ., & Dzhym, V. . (2024). Sports Games in the Context of Developing Children’s Coordination Ability as a Component of Physical Development. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 16(3), 415-429.

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