Contemporary Love - Between Reality and Illusion


  • Iulian Apostu Researcher, Romanian Academy, Bucarest, Romania



love, infatuation, affection, attachment, attraction


The experience of falling in love is one of the most beautiful moments of life, and surely each of us has lived it at least once in our life. The joy of the moment, the natural awkwardness of that period, the oversized enthusiasm, the dreams, the specific ideals, etc. they are unmistakable. Researchers in the field of social and humanistic sciences recognize that of all forms of interpersonal relationships, love raises the biggest problems in the way of investigative intentions, precisely because of its subjective nature, the intimacy it implies and hence, the technical difficulties of sociological or psychological measurement. There is, however, a difference between falling in love and love, and the confusion of the two dimensions can make the difference between love, as a real feeling, and its illusion. In the early stages of falling in love, before many confirmations and validations, each partner tends to charge the other with the projection of their own ideals. The initial state of bliss sometimes creates the dose of optimism that allows the individual to design their relationship according to their own desires and dreams, but only the concrete experience of the functionality of the two can highlight the degree of happiness or its illusion. The study aims to analyze the concept of love and infatuation in this double projection of the illusion of love.


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How to Cite

Apostu, I. (2021). Contemporary Love - Between Reality and Illusion. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences, 9(1), 56-63.

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