Journal of Mediation & Social Welfare

p- ISSN: 2559-7590

COVERED IN: CrossRef; RePEc; Google Scholar.

Current issue – Archive – Submit a paper


The first issue of the Journal of Mediation and Social Welfare was published in 2019 and although it is a young journal, it aims to publish one issue per year, along with one or two additional issues.


JOURNAL OF MEDIATION & SOCIAL WELFARE – The journal is focused on the fields of social assistance, sociology, social research, mediation as social practice, social policies, social welfare ethics, social work supervision, social welfare theories, social theories, planning and social development, etc. All these domains could be interconnected around ethical openings specific to the presented research domains. An article may be a philosophical, social, reference document in the cultural field, etc., but the content of the article should include extensive discussions on the social dimension of the topic.