Revista Românească pentru Educație Multidimensională (Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education)

p-ISSN 20667329

e-ISSN 20679270

COVERED IN: Web of Science (WOS); EBSCO; Google Scholar; Index Copernicus; Ideas RePeC; Econpapers; Socionet; CEEOL; Ulrich ProQuest; Cabell, Journalseek; Scipio; Philpapers; SHERPA/RoMEO repositories; KVK; WorldCat; CrossRef; CrossCheck

Current issue – Archive – Submit a paper


The first issue of the Journal Revista Românească pentru Educație Multidimensională was published in 2009. Between 2009 and 2013, the journal published 3 issues per year, between 2014-2017, 2 issues per year and supplementary issues, in 2018 it published 2 issues per year and supplementary issues, and starting with the year 2020, it intends to publish 6 issues per year and supplementary issues.

As of 2018, the journal is indexed in Web of Science – Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters).


Revista Românească pentru Educație Multidimensională (RREM) (Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education) aims to promote academic excellency in scientific education, as part of the social sciences. The journal addresses the academic community around the world, especially expressing its openness to the promotion of young researchers. The journal has a multidisciplinary nature, being oriented towards works that present a special educational dimension in the following fields of social and humanistic sciences: pedagogy and the science of education, cultural and multicultural education, social pedagogy, teaching methods, adult education and training, theories of education.

All these fields of research are interconnected around the educational openings of the research topics presented. An article proposed for this journal may be a philosophical, social, reference document in the cultural field, etc., but the content of the article should include extensive discussions on the educational dimension of the subject. The mission of the journal is to be a catalyst for the debate about the role of education in the society and its forms of knowledge. The RREM vision is a global one, addressing the academic community, publishing articles that result from theoretical or empirical research. Articles that have resulted from both theoretical and empirical research are subject to a peer review process.