

Since 2006, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House has concluded a partnership agreement with the database and Scientific Publishing House CEEOL (Central and East European Online Library) for indexing journals (currently 17 out of 19 LUMEN journals are indexed in CEEOL, all volumes of proceedings published by LUMEN Scientific Publishing House and also 10 scientific collective volumes).

Since 2007, the LUMEN Scientific Publishing House has developed a partnership with RePEc database: Research Papers in Economics, the owner of RePEC, Socionet and Econ Papers databases, which index both serial and individual publications (monographs) published by LUMEN.

In 2009, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House started the partnership with Index Copernicus database, which indexes all the journals published under the auspices of LUMEN.

The partnership with the Ebsco database started in 2012, in order to index the Postmodern Openings journal and the Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education.

During 2011-2013 we developed a partnership with Elsevier Scientific Publishing House and the Science Direct database, for the publication on behalf of the Lumen Association of some volumes of proceedings within the Elsevier Publishing House.

Starting with 2017, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House concluded a partnership contract with Clarivate Analytics, former Thompson Reuters, former ISSI, in order to index within the Web of Science database the journals Postmodern Openings and the Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education. Also in the same year we concluded a collaboration convention with Hein Online, for the indexation of the journals Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Political Sciences & European Studies, European Journal of Law and Public Administration, Journal of Legal Studies, Yearbook of “Petre Andrei” University of Iasi – Section: Law, Economics, Political Science, Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Law.

Starting with 2012, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House concluded a partnership with LAP Lambert Scientific Publishing House from Germany in order to publish, in English, volumes with Romanian authors, published by Lumen Scientific Publishing House in Romanian. The partnership did not continue for a long time, due to the fact that LUMEN Scientific Publishing House started publishing volumes in languages other than Romanian under its own brand, LUMEN MEDIA LTD., starting with 2013, as a subsidiary of LUMEN Scientific Publishing House in Great Britain, which was registered the same year at the Nielsen ISBN Agency (the institution that issues ISBNs for the United Kingdom). In some cases of publications in foreign languages, along with the Romanian ISBN, the volumes were also assigned an United Kingdom ISBN, the British subsidiary also publishing volumes independently of the Romanian Scientific Publishing House.

Based on the partnership concluded in 2013 with the Scientific Publishing House – MEDIMOND (Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division), volumes of proceedings of the conferences organized by the LUMEN Association through the LUMEN Conference Center were published. All conferences published in partnership with this Scientific Publishing House have been indexed in the Web of Science.

Starting with 2015, LUMEN Association, through LUMEN Scientific Publishing House, concluded a partnership with Future Academy Scientific Publishing House, for the publication of proceedings of the conferences organized by LUMEN Conference Center and LUMEN Scientific Publishing House. All these proceedings have been indexed in the Web of Science.


LUMEN Scientific Publishing House is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), starting with 2016, adhering to the principles of transparency specific to this organization and supporting the main objective of COPE, “promoting, for public benefit, ethical standards for conducting scientific research and ethical standards for publication in academic journals ”(COPE) – see

LUMEN Scientific Publishing House is a member, since 2016, of PILA (The Publishers International Linking Association), its online publications (both scientific journals and proceedings volumes, but also treates and monographs with e-book distribution) benefiting from DOI (Digital Object Identifier) provided by CrossRef. Also through PILA, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House has access to the iThenticate plagiarism detection software (formerly iThenticate-Turnitin), which has been used since 2017 for all online or printed appearances, including books, book chapters or journal article / proceedings volumes. LUMEN Scientific Publishing House has established a clear anti-plagiarism policy, through its Code of Editorial Ethics, available at as well as by the declaration of adherence to the COPE principles, available at


Starting with 2009, the publishing house’s volumes are listed for sale on the Amazon platform – see

Starting with February 2020, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House concluded a partnership with Ingram Content Group through which, by using the Ingram database and the Global Connect Program, the LUMEN books included in the LUMEN Goes Global with Ingram Program are presented to the most important 27,000 libraries and virtual bookstores around the world, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Baker & Taylor, Blackwell Library, Book Depository, Coutts ProQuest, DLS Australia Pty, etc., for the purpose of informing, purchasing and distributing worldwide. Ingram Content Group is the world’s largest book distributor, which will make it possible to distribute LUMEN books in the United States, Australia, Asia and throughout Europe, both physically and digitally, to reach readers from all over the world, easy, fast and with competitive costs.

Nationally, in Romania, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House has partnerships with the largest online book sales platforms, among which we list,,,,, etc.

Details regarding the partnerships in the book distribution of LUMEN Scientific Publishing House can be found HERE


  • Faculty of Political Sciences, Letters and Communication of the University of Valahia, Targoviste ROMANIA
  • Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava ROMANIA
  • Faculty of Philosophy, University of Hradec Králové CZECH REPUBLIC
  • Romanian National College of Social Workers, Iasi territorial branch ROMANIA
  • Higher Education Research and Consulting Company | US
  • Grow More College of Education, Himatnagar, Gujarat | INDIA
  • Mukachevo State University (Mukachevo, Ukraine)
  • Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi ROMANIA
  • Babes Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca | ROMANIA
  • Academy of Sciences of Moldova REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA
  • State University of Physical Education and Sports, Chisinau REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA
  • Free International University of Moldova REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA
  • “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University | REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA
  • The Faculty of Philosophy and Political Sciences of the University “Al. I. Cuza ”University of Iasi | ROMANIA
  • Center for Post-Communist Political Studies of the University of Craiova ROMANIA
  • National University of Arts, Bucharest | ROMANIA
  • National School of Political and Administrative Studies, National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Craiova, ROMANIA