The Art Of Jewelry In Moldova – Liliana CONDRATICOVA

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Romanian edition. Original title: ARTA BIJUTERIILOR DIN MOLDOVA


LUMEN – Copyright © 2010CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Book Series

FORMAT: Paperback         PAGES: 202          LANGUAGE: Romanian

ISBN:  978-973-166-173-5

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Ms. Liliana Condraticova’s monograph “The art of jewelry in Moldova” is of great scientific interest, because the issue of the history of jewelry art (making, spreading ornaments and jewelry, stylistic evolution) in Moldova was partially overlooked by researchers, the latter showing interest especially for studying painting, sculpture, national costume, etc. For these reasons, we are entitled to state that the doctoral monograph in the study of the arts by Liliana Condraticova completes a substantial gap in the problem of the development of the visual arts in the Republic of Moldova. The basic results of the research theme are reflected in comparative tables, such as, for example, the table of the stages of development of the art of national jewelry; the table made on the basis of the Customs Reference Books of 1765 and of the dowry sheets which include ornaments and vessels of metals and precious stones; the table of the craftsmen and of workshops of manufacture of the adornments and jewels; table of trademarks applied in Moldavian workshops. (Prof. PhD Pavel CIOCARLA)

Topics of interest:

  • cultural heritage
  • art history
  • the art of jewelry

Author: Editura LUMEN

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