BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience – journal citation index 0.16 (Q4) in ESCI according to Web of Science – Journal Citation Report

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Distinguished authors, reviewers, readers and collaborators of the Lumen Publishing House,

We are very happy to announce the special ranking of the journal BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience in the 2021 ESCI listing by Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics, formerly Thomson Reuters, formerly ISI). BRAIN Journal. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience achieved a Journal Citation Index of 0.16, placing it in Q4, in the Neurosciences category, position 292 out of 305, according to the recent ranking by Web of Science.

We thank all those who contributed to the success of this journal: the authors for placing their confidence in us, the scientific reviewers for contributing to the continuous increase of the scientific quality of the journal, the readers for citing the articles published by the journal. You have honored us and now we invite you all to enjoy this success together with us!

The journal Postmodern Openings is indexed in Web of Science ESCI; DOJ; EBSCO (EBSCO Open Access Computer Science, EBSCO Open Access Journals, EBSCO Open Access Medical and Health Collection);; IndexCopernicus; The Linguist List; Google Scholar; Ulrichs; Genamics JournalSeek; SHERPA/RoMEO; BIUM (Bibliotheque interuniversitaire de medecine et d’odontologie); ArticleReach Direct; Link+; CSB (Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies); KVK; WorldCat; CrossRef; Ideas RePeC; Econpapers; Socionet; ERICH PLUS.

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Author: Editura LUMEN

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