The Chase For The Waves – Claudia DUNCA

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Romanian edition. Original title: GOANA DUPA VALURI

Claudia DUNCA

LUMEN – Copyright © 2010POETRY & FICTION Book Series

FORMAT: Paperback         PAGES: 138          LANGUAGE: Romanian

ISBN: 978-973-166-206-0

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The novel “The Chase For the Waves” presents the decline of people, eager for adventure and material and financial prosperity, who do not shy away from anything to achieve their goal. Determination, perseverance, ambition have become defects in this situation. The heroes of this novel, three young Romanians, stretched the rope of luck too hard, which smiled at them so many times, but they did not know when to stop, they were not able to understand that any evil deed will be discovered and punished, also in real life, not just in fairy tales. Life placed them next to some people they could have taken as role-models to help them build their own destiny, but they neglected everything and chose to live according to their liking and the rules that only they dictated. The novel interweaves the values and traditions of the people from the country side, their feelings and beliefs, according to which they live their lives and the new conditions and ideas of young people, for whom any principle has other limits, other coordinates, both sides being impossible to put together, excluding each other.


Author: Editura LUMEN

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