If you have always wanted to publish your notes, choose to start this experience with us.
Here’s what we propose to you:
#1 Choose a volume published at LUMEN Publishing House, read it and write your review. After the evaluation, your review will be published in a scientific LUMEN Journal in accordance with the specialized field of the chosen book, and LUMEN will cover for you 100% the costs of publication. For inspiration, see here the Lumen Journals List: https://www.lumenpublishing.com/journals
#2 If the inspiration for your review comes from a book other than those published at LUMEN Publishing House, we support you to make your text known. LUMEN Publishing House offers you a discount on the publication fee (available on the website of each Lumen Journal) and comes with the following proposal:
- We publish your review, in English or Romanian in International Journals (other than those indexed in the Web of Science): 50 euros/review (consult online at https://www.lumenpublishing.com/journals list of journals to see the specificity and conditions of publication)
- We publish your review in English in Journals indexed in Web of Science, ECI and other international databases: 200 euros/review (reduced from 350 euros- consult the official page of each Lumen Journal- https: //www.lumenpublishing .com/Journals)
*The publication in the LUMEN Journals that at present does not request the Open Access fee in accordance with the official website, is default.
* Publication in LUMEN Journals involves passing your manuscript through a peer-review process.
The chance to publish and become known/ read/ quote is closer than you think!
We are waiting for your proposal review on the following email adress: edituralumen @gmail.com. In your proposal, next to the text of the review, also mention the Lumen Journal where you would like to publish.