The Last Cry – Nicoleta Mihaela CRAMARUC

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Romanian edition. Original title: ULTIMUL STRIGAT

Nicoleta Mihaela CRAMARUC

LUMEN – Copyright © 2014 – POETRY & FICTION Book Series

FORMAT: Paperback         PAGES: 204           LANGUAGE: Romanian

ISBN: 978-973-166-377-7

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Nicoleta Cramaruc is no longer debuting in 2008 with the volume “Lights and shadows”. She also published in 2011 “On the edge of the soul”, and now presents the readers with the volume “The Last Cry” in which themes, obsessions, myths are resumed and deepened, in a true adventure of knowing the Self, but also of the World. The dance of words communicates something essential about the human being, suppressing its struggle in front of the Truth of Life. With the same lucidity of the psychologist, without any exaggeration, she deepens the inner “survey” and no longer remains to find the skid of the world, expressing her disapproval directly. In poems of profound lyric flourish, there is revolt, pain, but also hope in trying to sensitize the reader. Thus, word communication would be possible. The poetic approach, from this volume, captures the effort of the lyrical self to discover its Being, saving it from “this string of words” (Pay attention to the grooves!), thus becoming one of the author’s favorite themes.


Author: Editura LUMEN

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