The complex crime – Ioana Florina COSTIN

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Romanian Edition. Original Title: INFRACTIUNEA COMPLEXA

Ioana Florina COSTIN

LUMEN – Copyright © 2007 – LAW Book Series

FORMAT: Paperback         PAGES: 173          LANGUAGE: Romanian

ISBN: 978-973-1703-97-8

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The Romanian criminal legislation does not include a complete regulation of the legal unit of crime, but only fragmentary provisions related to this criminal institution. In these conditions, the definition of the concept of unity, the crystallization of its forms, was the object of the preoccupations of the specialized authors and of the judicial practice, from where the numerous doctrinal and jurisprudential solutions offered. (The Author)

Topics of interest:

  • general criminal law
  • complex crime
  • criminal unit

Author: Editura LUMEN

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