Category: General criminal law
The assessment of the impact of parents migration on the criminal behavior of children left behind – Loredana Florentina CATARAU
The assessment of the impact of parents migration on the criminal behavior of children left behind – Loredana Florentina CATARAU the assessment of the impact of parents migration on the criminal behavior of children left behind romanian edition. original title evaluarea impactului migratiei parintilor asupra comportamentului infractional al copiilor ramasi acasa loredana fl
Medically Assisted Human Reproduction. Ethics of Incrimination versus Bioethics. A Comparative Law Study- Alexandra HUIDU
Medically Assisted Human Reproduction. Ethics of Incrimination versus Bioethics. A Comparative Law Study- Alexandra HUIDU medically assisted human reproduction. ethics of incrimination versus bioethics. a comparative law study romanian edition. original title reproducerea uman? medical asistat?. etica incrimin?rii versus etica biologic?. studiu de drept comparat f
Family Law. Annotated Legislation and Special Laws – Camelia IGNĂTESCU
Family Law. Annotated Legislation and Special Laws – Camelia IGNĂTESCU family law. annotated legislation and special laws romanian edition. original title dreptul familiei. legisla?ie adnotat? ?i legi speciale camelia ign?tescu lumen copyright © 2014 law book series format paperback pages 448
Prevention And Sanction Of Domestic Violence By The Rules Of Criminal Law – Diana Loredana HOGAȘ
Prevention And Sanction Of Domestic Violence By The Rules Of Criminal Law – Diana Loredana HOGAȘ prevention and sanction of domestic violence by the rules of criminal law romanian edition. original title prevenirea ?i sanc?ionarea violen?ei domestice prin normele dreptului penal diana loredana hoga? lumen copyright © 2010 law book seri
The complex crime – Ioana Florina COSTIN
THE COMPLEX CRIME Romanian Edition. Original Title: INFRACTIUNEA COMPLEXA Ioana Florina COSTIN LUMEN – Copyright © 2007 – LAW Book Series FORMAT: Paperback PAGES: 173 LANGUAGE: Romanian ISBN: 978-973-1703-97-8 Free preview BUY ON: SEE BOOK ON Google Books Description: The Romanian criminal legislation does…