Category: Sociology
Bioethics in crisis or the crisis of bioethics? A philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society – Antonio SANDU
Bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? A philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society – Antonio SANDU bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? a philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society romanian edition. original title bioetica in criza sau criza bioeticii? o filosofie a pandemiei in societatea medicalizata antonio sandu lumen
Ethnopsychological Research Methodology – Mictat A. GÂRLAN
Ethnopsychological Research Methodology – Mictat A. GÂRLAN ethnopsychological research methodology romanian edition. original title metodologia cercetarii etnopsihologice mictat a. gârlan lumen copyright © 2011 social development book series format paperback pages 445 language
The bedside voice. Practical guide for psychological counseling at the patient’s bed – Ligia MOISE
The bedside voice. Practical guide for psychological counseling at the patient’s bed – Ligia MOISE the bedside voice. practical guide for psychological counseling at the patients bed romanian edition. original title vocea de la capatai. ghid practic de consiliere psihologica la patul bolnavului ligia moise lumen copyright © 2019 social
The assessment of the impact of parents migration on the criminal behavior of children left behind – Loredana Florentina CATARAU
The assessment of the impact of parents migration on the criminal behavior of children left behind – Loredana Florentina CATARAU the assessment of the impact of parents migration on the criminal behavior of children left behind romanian edition. original title evaluarea impactului migratiei parintilor asupra comportamentului infractional al copiilor ramasi acasa loredana fl
Ethics of responsibility in the knowledge based society – Ecaterina CROITOR
Ethics of responsibility in the knowledge based society – Ecaterina CROITOR ethics of responsibility in the knowledge based society romanian edition. original title etica responsabilitatii in societatea bazata pe cunoastere ecaterina croitor lumen copyright © 2020 – cultural dimensions book series format paperba
Vol. 9 | Rethinking social action. Core values in practice. RSACVP 2019 – Camelia IGNATESCU (editor)
Rethinking social action. Core values in practice. RSACVP 2019 – Camelia IGNATESCU (editor) rethinking social action. core values in practice. rsacvp 2019 camelia ignatescu editor lumen copyright © 2019 – conference proceedings book series format paperback language english issn print 2601 – 2510 issn on-line
Technology and social media and their impact on the human being, society and politics – Iulian CHIFU, Lavinia SAVU
TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL MEDIA AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE HUMAN BEING, SOCIETY AND POLITICS Iulian CHIFU, Lavinia SAVU LUMEN – Copyright © 2020 – CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Book Series FORMAT: Paperback PAGES: 420 LANGUAGE: English ISBN: 978-973-166-585-6 Free preview Description: The technological evolution, and especially of…
TWO MORE LUMEN JOURNALS INDEXED IN ERICH PLUS! THAT MAKES 11! lumen scientific publishing houseannounces the indexing in the prestigious erich plus database of the journals logos, universality, mentality, education, novelty economics amp administrative sciences and journal for ethics in social studies. thi
Identity and otherness. Study on the Csangos from Moldova – Catalin George FEDOR
Identity and otherness. Study on the Csangos from Moldova – Catalin George FEDOR identity and otherness. study on the csangos from moldova romanian edition. original title identitate si alteritate. studiu asupra ceangailor din moldova catalin george fedor lumen copyright © 2019 – cultural dimensions book series format
Bioethics in crisis or the crisis of bioethics? A philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society – Antonio SANDU
Bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? A philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society – Antonio SANDU bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? a philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society romanian edition. original title bioetica in criza sau criza bioeticii? o filosofie a pandemiei in societatea medicalizata antonio sandu lumen