Category: Legal sociology
The assessment of the impact of parents migration on the criminal behavior of children left behind – Loredana Florentina CATARAU
The assessment of the impact of parents migration on the criminal behavior of children left behind – Loredana Florentina CATARAU the assessment of the impact of parents migration on the criminal behavior of children left behind romanian edition. original title evaluarea impactului migratiei parintilor asupra comportamentului infractional al copiilor ramasi acasa loredana fl
Medically Assisted Human Reproduction. Ethics of Incrimination versus Bioethics. A Comparative Law Study- Alexandra HUIDU
Medically Assisted Human Reproduction. Ethics of Incrimination versus Bioethics. A Comparative Law Study- Alexandra HUIDU medically assisted human reproduction. ethics of incrimination versus bioethics. a comparative law study romanian edition. original title reproducerea uman? medical asistat?. etica incrimin?rii versus etica biologic?. studiu de drept comparat f
Mediation and Probation. Restorative Social Practices – Antonio SANDU, Elena UNGURU
Mediation and Probation. Restorative Social Practices – Antonio SANDU, Elena UNGURU mediation and probation. restorative social practices romanian edition. original title medierea ?i proba?iunea. practici sociale restaurative antonio sandu, elena unguru lumen copyright © 2016 law book series format paperback pa
Seminars of Legal Sociology. Micro-studies – Antonio SANDU (coordinator)
Seminars of Legal Sociology. Micro-studies – Antonio SANDU (coordinator) seminars of legal sociology. micro-studies romanian edition. original title seminarii de sociologie juridic?. microcercet?ri antonio sandu coordinator lumen copyright © 2015 law book series format paperback pages 198
Prevention And Sanction Of Domestic Violence By The Rules Of Criminal Law – Diana Loredana HOGAȘ
Prevention And Sanction Of Domestic Violence By The Rules Of Criminal Law – Diana Loredana HOGAȘ prevention and sanction of domestic violence by the rules of criminal law romanian edition. original title prevenirea ?i sanc?ionarea violen?ei domestice prin normele dreptului penal diana loredana hoga? lumen copyright © 2010 law book seri
Deviance And Crime In A Society In Transition – Oana CIUCHI
Deviance And Crime In A Society In Transition – Oana CIUCHI deviance and crime in a society in transition romanian edition. original title devian?? ?i criminalitate într-o societate în tranzi?ie oana ciuchi lumen copyright © 2011 – law book series format paperback pages 286 langu
The Implications Of Civil Society In The Area Of Criminal Justice – Cecilia POPA
The Implications Of Civil Society In The Area Of Criminal Justice – Cecilia POPA the implications of civil society in the area of criminal justice romanian edition. original title implica?iile societ??ii civile în sfera justi?iei penale cecilia popa lumen copyright © 2011 law book series format paperback pag
Trafficking in human beings. The needs of victims of human trafficking in relation to the services offered by the multidisciplinary team, in order to achieve social-professional reintegration of victims – Ala VECHIU
Trafficking in human beings. The needs of victims of human trafficking in relation to the services offered by the multidisciplinary team, in order to achieve social-professional reintegration of victims – Ala VECHIU trafficking in human beings. the needs of victims of human trafficking in relation to the services offered by the multidisciplinary team, in order to achieve social-professional reintegration of victims romanian version. original title traficul de
The penitentiary as an institution between fiction and reality – Iancu CEUȚĂ, Vasile Ioan COMȘA
The penitentiary as an institution between fiction and reality – Iancu CEUȚĂ, Vasile Ioan COMȘA the penitentiary as an institution between fiction and reality romanian edition. original title penitenciarul ca institu?ie între fic?iune ?i realitate iancu ceu?? vasile ioan com?a lumen copyright © 2008 – law book series format paperba
Divorce in the Jewish tradition – Iulia Andreea MOLDOVAN
Divorce in the Jewish tradition – Iulia Andreea MOLDOVAN divorce in the jewish tradition romanian edition. original title divortul in traditia evreiasca iulia andreea moldovan lumen copyright © 2008 – cultural dimensions book series format paperback pages 120 language romania