Romanian edition. Original title: REGIONALIZARE SI POLITICI REGIONALE
Catalin ROGOJANU (coordinator)
LUMEN – Copyright © 2014 – SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Book Series
FORMAT: Paperback
PAGES: 446
LANGUAGE: Romanian
ISBN: 978-973-166-373-9
AVAILABLE ON: Google Books:
In the context of the need for a scientific debate on regionalization, the University “Constantin Brâncusi” of Târgu-Jiu, through the Institute for Development Research, which operates within it, together with the Center for Regional Geography of the “Babes-Bolyai” University from Cluj-Napoca took the initiative of organizing a national scientific conference, entitled suggestively “Regionalization and regional policies”.The present volume, coordinated by the research team composed of Dumitru-Catalin Rogojanu, Nicolaie Manescu and Flavius-Cristian Marcau, includes all the communications at the mentioned scientific conference. We are confident that reading the volume will not only be informative but will stimulate new analyzes, interpretations and debates so that the effect and impact on those called to make decisions, be a beneficial, responsible and scientifically based one. (Andrei MARGA – former Minister of Education in Romania)
Topics of interest:
- political sciences
- public administration
- regional policies
- regionalization